Sanzhi UFO houses
The Sanzhi UFO houses were a set of abandoned pod-shaped buildings in Taiwan.
The Sanzhi UFO houses were a set of abandoned pod-shaped buildings in Taiwan.
The Silver Swan is an automaton dating from the 18th century.
The Spanish Riding School of Vienna, Austria, is a traditional riding school for Lipizzan horses.
Atanas Sutkus was a Lithuanian photographer who shot everyday people in a time when Communist propaganda was the ruling style.
Surtsey is a volcanic island off the southern coast of Iceland. It was formed in a volcanic eruption which began 130 metres below sea level, and reached the surface on 14 November 1963.
El Gölü is a large park in Tabriz, Iran. It has a square, artificial lake surrounded by sidewalks. There is also a building in the middle of the lake.
Annemarie Schwarzenbach was a Swiss writer, journalist, photographer and traveler. From an early age she began to dress and act like a boy, a behaviour not discouraged by her parents, and which she retained all her life. In fact in later life she was often mistaken for a young man.
Superfluid is a state of matter in which the matter behaves like a fluid without viscosity and with extremely high thermal conductivity. The substance, which appears to be a normal liquid, will flow without friction past any surface, which allows it to continue to circulate over obstructions and through pores in containers which hold it, subject only to its own inertia.
The serval is a medium-sized African wild cat.
The life of Sir William Hamilton is rich in contradictions: hedonist, scholar and an aesthete with a Rabelaisian streak, he represented the epitome of honourable public service until, as the eighteenth century drew to its climax, his personal life and career were flung into freefall when he became involved in the most scandalous menage a trois of the century. The son of a favourite courtier, William Hamilton began life sharing a wet-nurse with the future George III, and spent much of his childhood in the discordant atmosphere of the Hanoverian household. After several years as a soldier, courtier and MP, he turned to the diplomatic world and, in 1764, was sent to Naples as Envoy Extraordinary to the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. There Hamilton could indulge the two passions: volcanoes and vases. His meticulous observations of Vesuvius earned him a Fellowship of the Royal Society. His unique collection of vases was eventually acquired by the British Museum. Later in life he also worked with Wedgwood and Boulton. Yet, for most people, William Hamilton is not remembered as a diplomat, art-collector, naturalist, musician and scholar but as the cuckolded husband of Emma Hamilton, mistress of the heroic Lord Nelson.