Leyat Helica
These vehicles were designed and built in the early 1920's in France by a man named Marcel Leyat.
These vehicles were designed and built in the early 1920's in France by a man named Marcel Leyat.
Leo D. Stoller is an American self-styled intellectual property entrepreneur based in suburban Chicago, Illinois. Stoller controversially claimed rights to a large inventory of famous trademarks infringement action and engaged in the assertive enforcement of those alleged trademark rights, threatening against people and companies who attempt to use similar marks.
United States Air Force Lockheed T-33 reconnaissance plane forced down in December, 1957, on display in Gjirokastër, Albania.
London is a unique film work about a unique city written and directed by architect Patrick Keiller. It concerns a series of journeys made by an unseen narrator and his companion Robinson to discover the spirit of London during the period immediately before and after the 1992 General Election. There is a wealth of detail pertaining to literature, history, architecture and a variety of locales and a highly original style with ironic wit.
The London Necropolis railway station was a special railway station constructed by the London Necropolis Company for funeral trains, specifically to serve their Brookwood Cemetery. The station opened on 13 November 1854 just outside London's Waterloo station. Three-carriage trains took coffins and mourners from the station directly to platforms within the cemetery.
Leo the Lion is the mascot for the Hollywood film studio Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.
The history of La Mamounia is as fascinating as the hotel. Situated on the edge of the walls of the old city of Marrakech, La Mamounia is named for its 200-year-old gardens, which were given as an 18th century wedding gift to Prince Moulay Mamoun by his father. Winston Churchill called it, "the most lovely spot in the whole world." It also has its own perfume, a delicate scent of cedar wood, a fragrance created exclusively for La Mamounia by the prestigious nose Olivia Giacobetti.
Lady Godiva was an Anglo-Saxon noblewoman who, according to legend, rode naked through the streets of Coventry, in England, in order to gain a remission of the oppressive taxation imposed by her husband on his tenants. The name "Peeping Tom" for a voyeur originates from later versions of this legend in which a man named Tom had watched her ride and was struck blind or dead.
Lithops is a genus of succulent plants in the ice plant family, Aizoaceae.
Liberum veto (Latin for "I freely forbid") was a parliamentary device in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. It allowed any member of the Sejm to force an immediate end to the current session and nullify all legislation already passed at it by shouting Nie pozwalam!