Hall of Mosses
The Hall of Mosses Trail is a hiking trail in Olympic National Park.
The Hall of Mosses Trail is a hiking trail in Olympic National Park.
Hotel Il Pellicano is a hotel.
Gerald and Sara Murphy, a young American couple who had expatriated to France in the 1920s, once rented the Hotel du Cap for an entire summer, a unique event for the era as the French Riviera was not a summer destination at the time, but a winter escape for the wealthy. With the Murphys came many legendary writers and artists of the Lost Generation, including F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway. The hotel was for many years famously known for not accepting any kinds of credit cards. Cash only was accepted though most guests wired money ahead of their stay.
Haywire is a history of people who acted with overwhelming emotional extravagance, extreme self-centeredness, and great carelessness. The daughter of successful Hollywood agent and Broadway producer Leland Hayward and actress Margaret Sullavan, Brooke Hayward recalls the glamour, wealth, and talent that marked the lives of members of her extraordinary family and reveals the events that led to destroyed marriages, mental breakdown, and suicide.
The Hansen Writing Ball is an early typewriter. It was invented in 1865 and patented and put into production in 1870, and was the first commercially produced typewriter. The Hansen ball was a combination of unusual design and ergonomic innovations: its distinctive feature was an arrangement of 52 keys on a large brass hemisphere, causing the machine to resemble an oversized pincushion.
The Hôtel Lambert is a grand mansion townhouse in the 4th arrondissement of Paris. In 1843, the hôtel particulier was bought by Prince Adam Jerzy Czartoryski, member of the powerful family of Polish magnates. In 1969, Baron de Redé staged his most famous ball, the Bal Oriental, with guests such as Jacqueline de Ribes, Guy de Rothschild, Salvador Dalí, Brigitte Bardot, Dolores Guinness, and Margrethe II of Denmark. In 1975, the Czartoryski heirs sold the Hôtel Lambert to Baron Guy de Rothschild. In September 2007, the Hôtel Lambert was sold by the Rothschilds to Prince Abdullah bin Khalifa al-Thani, brother of the Emir of Qatar for the purported sum of 80 million euros.
Julia Hafstrom is a swedish model.
The Hope Diamond is one of the most famous jewels in the world, with ownership records dating back almost four centuries. According to specious later accounts, the original form of the Hope Diamond was stolen from an eye of a sculpted statue of the goddess Sita, the wife of Rama, the seventh avatar of Vishnu. However, much like the "curse of Tutankhamun", this general type of legend was the invention of Western authors during the Victorian era, and the specific legends about the Hope Diamond's cursed origin were invented in the early 20th century to add mystique to the stone and increase its sales appeal.
The Haxey Hood is a traditional event in at the village of Haxey in North Lincolnshire, England. It is a kind of large rugby football scrum (called the "sway"), which pushes a leather tube (called the "hood") to 1 of 4 pubs, where it remains until the following year's game
A hug machine is a deep pressure device designed to calm hypersensitive persons, usually individuals with autism spectrum disorders. The therapeutic, stress-relieving device was originally conceived and designed by Temple Grandin in 1965.