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Gumboot chiton

The gumboot chiton is the largest species of chiton, a type of marine mollusk found along the rocky coasts of the North Pacific, from California to Alaska and across to Japan. Known for its reddish-brown, leathery mantle that covers its eight armored plates, the gumboot chiton is often referred to as the "wandering meatloaf" due to its appearance. It can grow up to 36 cm (14 inches) in length and feeds primarily on algae, which it scrapes off rocks using its radula, a tongue-like organ studded with rows of teeth.

Emerald cockroach wasp

The Emerald Cockroach Wasp (Ampulex compressa) is a remarkable parasitoid wasp species known for its unique and sophisticated method of incapacitating cockroaches to serve as hosts for its larvae. Found in tropical regions worldwide, particularly in Asia, Africa, and the Pacific Islands, this small but extraordinary insect has garnered significant attention from scientists and enthusiasts alike for its fascinating behavior and intricate life cycle. The life cycle of the Emerald Cockroach Wasp begins when a female wasp seeks out a suitable host cockroach, typically the American cockroach (Periplaneta americana). Upon locating a target, the wasp delivers a precise sting to the cockroach's thorax, injecting venom that temporarily paralyzes its front legs. After paralyzing the cockroach, the female wasp leads it to a burrow or other secluded location, where it lays a single egg on the cockroach's abdomen. Remarkably, the venom injected by the wasp alters the behavior of the cockroach, rendering it docile and compliant. The cockroach remains alive but immobile, allowing the wasp larva to feed on its tissues without resistance. As the wasp larva develops, it consumes the internal organs of the cockroach while avoiding vital areas to keep it alive as long as possible. Once the larva completes its development, it pupates within the cockroach's body, eventually emerging as an adult wasp.


Glyptapanteles is a genus of parasitoid wasps belonging to the family Braconidae, known for their fascinating and intricate reproductive strategy. These tiny insects, typically measuring only a few millimeters in length, play a crucial role in regulating populations of various host insects in ecosystems worldwide. The life cycle of Glyptapanteles begins when adult female wasps lay their eggs inside the bodies of caterpillars, typically belonging to species in the moth family. Once the eggs hatch, the wasp larvae develop and feed on the internal tissues of the caterpillar host. What makes Glyptapanteles particularly remarkable is their manipulation of the behavior of their host caterpillars. Instead of immediately killing the caterpillar, the larvae release chemicals that alter its behavior, causing it to act as a bodyguard for the developing wasp larvae. As the larvae mature within the caterpillar's body, they induce the caterpillar to guard them against potential predators. Remarkably, the caterpillar will fiercely defend the developing wasp larvae against any threats, even sacrificing its own life in the process. Once the wasp larvae complete their development, they emerge from the caterpillar's body, often killing it in the process. The adult wasps then mate, and the females seek out new host caterpillars to continue the cycle.

Eugene Schieffelin

Eugene Schieffelin was an American amateur ornithologist who belonged to the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society and the New York Zoological Society. In 1877, he became chairman of the American Acclimatization Society and joined their efforts to introduce non-native species to North America for economic and cultural reasons. In 1890, Schieffelin released 60 imported starlings from England into New York City's Central Park. He did the same with another 40 birds in 1891. According to an oft-repeated story, Schieffelin supposedly introduced starlings as part of a project to bring to the United States all the birds mentioned in the works of William Shakespeare. Some historians have cast doubt on this story, as no record of it exists until the 1940s. He may have also been trying to control the same pests that had been annoying him thirty years earlier, when he sponsored the introduction of the house sparrow to North America. Schieffelin's efforts were part of multiple releases of starlings in the United States, ranging from the mid-1870s through the mid-1890s. The successful spread of starlings has come at the expense of many native birds that compete with the starling for nest holes in trees.[18] The starlings have also had negative impact on the US economy and ecosystem. European starlings are now considered an invasive species in the United States.


The Hungarian mangalica is a breed noted for its unique appearance, resembling a cross between a pig and a sheep. Nearly two decades ago, this woolly pig faced a precarious situation, nearing extinction globally. However, it has since experienced a resurgence, flourishing particularly in Central and Eastern Europe and garnering attention as a culinary favorite in local dining establishments. Its name, meaning "hog with a lot of lard," reflects its characteristic high fat content, making it one of the fattiest pig breeds worldwide. The meat of the mangalica is distinguished by its marbled texture, featuring creamy, white fat intertwined within. This quality makes it a preferred choice for producing cured hams and sausages. Appreciated for its distinct, bold flavor profile, mangalica pork is often likened to the esteemed "Kobe beef of pork" by enthusiasts.

Penis fencing

Penis fencing is a reproductive behavior observed in certain species of hermaphroditic flatworms, particularly those belonging to the genus Pseudobiceros and Pseudoceros. During this unusual mating ritual, two flatworms engage in combat using their elongated and sharp penises, known as "stylets," in a competition to inseminate the other. The process begins when two flatworms encounter each other and become sexually aroused. They then extend their stylets, which are typically stored inside their bodies, and engage in a fierce duel. The goal of each flatworm is to pierce the skin of its opponent and inject sperm into its body cavity. The flatworm that successfully inseminates its partner gains reproductive success, while the loser may suffer physical harm or fail to reproduce.