Carl Friedrich Philipp von Martius
German explorer and botanist whose 1817-20 journey to South America yielded over 6,500 plant species, which he presented to the Munich herbarium
German explorer and botanist whose 1817-20 journey to South America yielded over 6,500 plant species, which he presented to the Munich herbarium
Doppel-Sport Panoramic Camera was created in 1912 by Julius Neubronner in Kronberg, Germany to take aerial photographs by means of pigeon photographers. Neubronner had created a pamphlet describing this process in 1909. This camera was carried by pigeons and used to spy on the French during World War I.
Clementinum is a great example of Baroque library for it hasn’t been changed since its foundation in 1722. It still shows the organization of the library in the times of the Jesuit college in Prague.
Arthur Mole was an English commercial artist who became famous for a series of "living photographs" made during World War I, in which tens of thousands of soldiers, reservists and other members of the military were arranged to form massive compositions.
The Indian Head Test Pattern was a black and white television test pattern which was introduced in 1939. Its name comes from the original art of a Native American featured on the card.
Gaza Strip smuggling tunnels are smuggling tunnels that have been dug under the Egypt-Gaza Strip separation barrier which separates Egypt from the Gaza Strip.
Globe of Peace is a very large globe located in Apecchio, Pesaro, Italy. It was built over a period of six years by Orfeo Bartolucci with the stated goal of diffusing a message of peace and liberty to all people. It can hold approximately 600 people and internally contains descriptive tables listing every country of the world and their flag. Bartolucci solicited information about the Babson globe, and found out that it had issues with weather resistance that had led to deterioration over time, and that the methods used for its construction would cost Bartolucci approximately 500 million lire. This information influenced his design decisions. For six years, Bartolucci worked from 5 A.M. until dusk, using his pension income and accumulated savings but not borrowing any funds.
Brine pools are large areas of brine on the ocean basin. These pools are bodies of water that have a salinity three to five times greater than the surrounding ocean. Brine pools are sometimes called seafloor "lakes" because the dense brine does not easily mix with overlying seawater. The high salinity raises the density of the brine, which creates a distinct surface and shoreline for the pool. When submarines dive into brine pools, they float on the brine surface due to its high density. The motion of a submarine can create waves across the brine-seawater interface that wash over the surrounding "shoreline."
Leaving Las Vegas is an American film about a hooker with a heart of gold.
Seth Kinman was an early settler of Humboldt County, California, a hunter based in Fort Humboldt, a famous chair maker, and a nationally recognized entertainer. He stood over six feet tall and was known for his hunting prowess and his brutality toward bears and Indians. Kinman claimed to have shot a total of over 800 grizzly bears, and, in a single month, over 50 elk. He was also a hotel keeper, barkeeper, and a musician who performed for President Lincoln on a fiddle made from the skull of a mule.