Banyan trees
A banyan is a fig that develops accessory trunks from adventitious prop roots, allowing the tree to spread outwards indefinitely.
A banyan is a fig that develops accessory trunks from adventitious prop roots, allowing the tree to spread outwards indefinitely.
The Prandtl–Glauert singularity is sometimes referred to as a vapor cone, shock collar, or shock egg. The point at which a sudden drop in air pressure occurs is generally accepted as the cause of the visible condensation cloud that often surrounds an aircraft traveling at transonic speeds, though there remains some debate.
At 60 km from Bordeaux, in the South of the Arcachon Bay, it is possible to visit the highest dune in Europe, the Great Dune of Pyla (or Pilat). This dune reaches a height of 107 m. At this summit, the view is spectacular with the ocean coast, the inlet of the Bay, the large pine forest and, when the sky is very clear, the Pyrenees Range.
Gustav Zander was a Swedish physician who created over 70 different exercises "machines" at the turn of the century.
Glasswing Butterfly (Greta Oto) is a brush-footed butterfly where its wings are transparent. The tissue between the veins of its wings looks like glass.
The Chamber of Art and Curiosities is a cabinet of curiousities created by Ferdinand II, Archduke of Austria in the 16th century.
Risley act is a circus act in which an acrobat lying on his back juggles barrels or fellow acrobats with his feet.
Nankyoku Monogatari is a film from 1983. Its plot centers on the February 1958 Japanese scientific expedition to the South Pole, its dramatic rescue from the impossible weather conditions on the return journey, the relationship between the scientists and their loyal and hard-working Sakhalin Huskies, particularly the lead dogs Taro and Jiro, and fates of the 15 dogs left behind to fend for themselves.
Bob Munden is a former Fast Draw competition shooter who now undertakes fast draw exhibition shooting.
Mud volcanos are formations created by geo-excreted liquids and gases. The largest structures are 10 km in diameter and reach 700 metres in height.