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The Osmothèque is the world's largest scent archive, a leading international research institution tracing the history of perfumery, based in Versailles with conference centers in New York City and Paris. Founded in 1990 by Jean Kerléo and other senior perfumers including Jean-Claude Ellena and Guy Robert, the Osmothèque is internationally responsible for the authentication, registration, preservation, documentation and reproduction of thousands of perfumes gathered from the past two millennia, archived at the Osmothèque repository and consultable by the public.


Pingelap is a small atoll located in the Pacific Ocean, part of the Federated States of Micronesia. It covers an area of approximately 1.8 square kilometers and has a population of around 250 people. The atoll is characterized by its lush vegetation, sandy beaches, and vibrant coral reefs, making it a popular destination for ecotourism and diving enthusiasts. One notable aspect of Pingelap's history is the prevalence of achromatopsia, a rare genetic condition that causes color blindness and extreme sensitivity to light. The condition is colloquially known as "Pingelapese blindness" due to its high frequency among the island's inhabitants. According to local legend, a devastating typhoon in the 18th century reduced the island's population to a few survivors, one of whom was a carrier of the gene responsible for achromatopsia. The resulting genetic bottleneck led to a high prevalence of the condition among the island's descendants.