L’invenzione della bellezza

Fine Art Objects

Antonio Canova: L’invenzione della bellezza is a book published by Franco Maria Ricci. The cover features a marble bas-relief showing a detail from the work Le Grazie e Venere danzano davanti a Marte by Canova, created in statuary marble from the Fantiscritti quarry in Carrara, the same that supplied Antonio Canova. The bas-relief is set in velvet brocade with a gold thread weave. Inside, special velata pure cotton handmade paper, enhanced with an Antonio Canova watermark, carries press-printed texts by authors from the same period as Canova. The counterpoint to these texts are 26 plates showing tempere by Canova, all applied by hand and screen and litho printed, together with 5 etchings and 77 photographs of works by Canova.