Aspen magazine


Aspen was a multimedia magazine published on an irregular schedule by Phyllis Johnson from 1965 to 1971. Described by its publisher as “the first three-dimensional magazine,” each issue came in a customized box or folder filled with materials in a variety of formats, including booklets, “flexidisc” phonograph recordings, posters, postcards and reels of super-8 movie film. Issue #3 was designed by Andy Warhol and David Dalton. Published in December, 1966, the issue is housed in a box with graphics based on the packaging of “Fab” laundry detergent. Among its contents were a flip-book based on Warhol’s film “Kiss,” and Jack Smith’s film “Buzzards Over Bagdad,” a flexidisc by John Cale of the Velvet Underground, and a “ticket book” with excerpts of papers delivered at the Berkeley conference on LSD by Timothy Leary and others.